![]() ![]() ![]() Above is my friend "Mick-the-C" who I met in Corpsman School in October 1968; 3rd picture to Left [on top] is a visit to his home in 2013 [45 years later] in N.C. Picture shows him "prepping a trooper" for surgery at the 95th in Da Nang, RVN. Sometimes we were assigned as part of the surgical team handing instruments to surgeon(s), working in Central Supply [cleaning instruments & assembly of fresh surgical packs for the next cases] , working in the Emergency Room where we [primarily] worked as litter bearers, and finally, occassional TDY [ temporary duty] at battalion aid stations, usually on forward line of the base perimeter-sample Aid Station is shown below: ![]() ![]() Worst Part of Military Life is always leaving from where you'd prefer to be; This was going back to Corpsman School as I hadn't [yet] been promot-ed to Sp. 4 & still had to finish O.R. Tech School before Rotating to Overseas Duty in RVN! It was during one of these Guard Duty Tours , later in Lai Khe/ 1st Divsion, that I learned How Easy It Is to Take a Life & How Difficult to Save One!!! Regardless of our MOS, we were 'Soldiers First' & we pulled Guard Duty , Cleaned Litters, "Burn Duty" & Police Patrol, just like the rest of the troops!; the distasteful part of serving in an active War Zone! |
![]() ![]() Field Jack & RVN Hat [above], Basic Platoon with DI [ "Mack Mitchell"] who used to tell us he spent 30 minutes a day, in front of the mirror practicing his "Killer Face," my high-school friend, L.Lesher who was in my basic platoon said it best: " I think the majority of these people we are training with are "Certifable Insane..." My Platoon was 1st Platoon of Comany B/ 1st Trng. Bn., 3rd Bde. (BLT) @ Ft. Bliss, Texas (September 1968 <~> late-November 1968) ![]() ![]() "Fresh Meat" for Guard Duty, Summer 1969/1st Guard Duty Tour at 36th Evac @ Vung Tau. My weight about this time [both pictures] was about 160 pounds; my ETS return weight in 1971 was about 165 pounds. This was taken in June or July, 1969. My main thought was: "why am I here & how did I get here & what if I have to shoot another human?" BTW, as soon as we got to our guard bunker or tower we 'locked-and-loaded!' ![]() Preparing for 24 hours of Guard Duty in Vung Tau & 36th Evac Hospital. |
![]() My fellow corpsman/ O.R.Tech friend, Mick the C. who became a 'life-long' friend & almost a "Brother-n-Law' until he was transferred to "Hamburger Hill!"![]() Some of my Draft Cards that I began registering for in about 1963 until 1968 when I was drafted! & ordered to report for induction in 09/1968 to 2nd floor of POffice on San Jacinto Street for my inuction to the "Screaming & Yelling" Services! ![]() I actually should have been drafted/conscripted in May 1968, but I made a plean for an extension because [ so I could finish my first bachelor's degree before going] I wanted to go to OCS [Officer Candidate School] but when I found out [at the reception/induction station] only openings were in Artillery/Infantry I opted for an additional service of 12 months for a school choice, and that is when I chose Corpsman/Operating Room Technician Training: but guess what, I got shot at none-the-less: by pre-teen VietCongers explaining "The way of War!" |
![]() Above are dirty litters that, when I pulled E.R. Duty, I had to clean, and the only time it bothered me was when there was left behind vomit or brain tissue [from head wounds] by the wounded trooper, but I eventually adjusted; adjusting to burn duty took longer! I believe my draft letter [remembering there weren't any cell phones or copy machines in the 60s] was destroyed in the KC Records Center fire; Above is a sample of the one I received; ordering me to report to the induction center in September, 1968! is shown in above image. Never recovered my individual letter copy-because of the KC Fire! ![]() ![]() In the military you are lucky to make friends & "life-long" friends is a bonus. Little did we know the next time we met Mick would have earned two Purple Hearts & I would have completed two tours; he has been a good friend for +50 years!!! Look how slender we both had become !!! Daddy used to tell me that to have friends you have to be a friend & that's what I tried to be to "Mick the C" with one exception, and that is when my ex-wife tried to tell me who were "acceptable friends" in her and her ignorant family's viewpoint; After 50 years, Mick & I still talk several times a month: the ex-wife & her ignorant family are "gone -for-good!" |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKGBYxoURWw | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqzAzx6rFgw | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiw6fZHdwCg | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PdXHR7HRyk |
My "Wide & Bright" smile is because I was starting to get S-H-O-R-T and going home for good! I had been accepted to do my pre-Med studies at Texas Tech [Lubbock] "back in the world," which one of the surgeons for whom I regularly scrubbed, had encouraged, and the remainder of my tour would be hassle free; unless a sapper threw a satchel charge over the back fence and I was nearby! |
A moment of relaxation type of jpeg in the O.R. @ the 3rd Field @ Saigon, probably about March 1971; smile was because I was S-H-O-R-T & had made the decision to get a D-I-V-O-R-C-E from the Army as we had irreconcilable differences! Little did I know [ at the time ] that these O.R./E.R images would come back to haunt me for decades & 2 or 3 of them would be consistent/repetitive themes.; now, I have to close my eyes/look another direction everytime I pass the Meacom Fountains when on the bus/train enroute to the Houston VA.
So, it all started with my name appearing on the rolls of the Selective Service System, the issuance of my Selective Servic Cards [above] & then receipt of my draft letter-giving me my report date and location; couldn't find mine but found an example of the type issued in the late 60s. Fitzsimonds Hospital in Aurora Colorado is where I completed my OJT [On-the-Job] Training]! I [actively] assisted on two operations, an appendectomy and a herniorrhaphy; from there, about 20 days later I was in RVN assisting on Bilateral BK Amputations, Chest-Cracking/Thoracic, Orthopaedic, General [usually,GSWs to Bowels] Neurology & occassionally, middle-of-the-niught OBGYN Emergency Procedures; like Daddy said [From his WWII Radio Operator Training]...
"See one, do one and then teach one!"
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